"The great Josep Pla once said that the farmer mistrusts vegetation, that there is nothing quite as barren as the surroundings of a farmhouse. In the eternal struggle between culture and nature, the farmer finds anything that is alive to be suspect: roots lift foundations and crack sewers, fig trees attract insects, ivy and other climbers wreck facades, wisterias invade….All of which is somewhat true, but for those that do not lie from tilling the soil such risks do nothing to diminish the fascination of having a garden, no matter how small. And let's not forget the assertion of the distinguished gardener Nicolau Rubió i Tudurí: That historically speaking the garden was not born from the orchard or from the purposefulness of agriculture, but from a mystic aspiration, a nostalgia for the lost paradise… "
Oscar Tusquets Blanca
Copyright photography : Luis Plana del Llano